
My adventures in gaming

Part 3- Finishing

Painting the Skyranger

Painted Skyranger

Alas due to moving house I do not have any middle stage photographs. With the Skyranger ready to paint I had to decide how I wanted to paint it! My preferred aesthetic, as with the Thin Men, is something simple with solid blocks of colours. This is primarily... [Read More]

Part 2- Putting it all together

From concept to practice

Sanded and Epoxied

With the mock complete now it’s time to put the real thing together. I sprayed the sprue black so that when the parts were all put together the insides would be black already. I built the basic frame of the plane. The main sides are curved when attached to... [Read More]

Is that a bird? A plane?

No it's a Skyranger!


In xcom your troops are delivered to each mission by a Skyranger. It is a sort of futuristic Osprey. Naturally I need something similar for my troops! For me though it would need to be bigger, in the game it only carries 6 soldiers, where I would like... [Read More]

Take me to your leader

The first phase of the alien menace

Alien squad leaders

All my photos from now on will be taken with my Nexus 5x phone. The quality isn’t near as good as my DSLR but it will not require editing for size and shape. Hopefully this will encourage me to create more posts as at the moment prepping the images take... [Read More]

First times the charm

My first test

My experiment with a automated proccess to mail blog posts to git, looks like it is nearly there! I would like a link to Google so that it is quick to search. And then an image :this is a post... [Read More]