
A record of games I have played

Date: October 22, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 1
Good classic style euro game. Using a pool of dice and worker placement to build and protect the city of Troyes.

Date: October 22, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 1
Good, tactile and short tile laying game. Build the best mosaic from a shared pile of tiles.

Date: October 15, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 2
Quick little tile laying game. Building a common garden and best placing your vistors to win.

Date: October 15, 2018
Players: 2 teams of 2
Position: lost
Good chess style move counter move game. First to the top of this 3rd dimension space is the winner!

Date: October 8, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 1
Scrabble crossed with Dominion, as simple as that! Fun if a lot of analysis paralysis...

El Grande
Date: September 4, 2018
Players: 5
Position: 2
Area control game with fixed turns and mid game scoring. Actually quiet straight forward rules but generates a lot of depth and strategy.

1914 Germany at War
Date: September 1, 2018
Players: 2
Position: 2
Excellent diceless block war game. Perfectly captures the tension of the start of WW1. Constant hard decisions and rarely feeling railroaded like in some historical wargames.

Founders of Gloomhaven
Date: August 28, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 2
Action selection / tile laying game. Ok but over complicated. Interesting victory point sharing system.

Date: August 28, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 1
Interesting resource management game. You move your pieces from the top left to the bottom right of the board, collecting resources and fighting monster.

Date: August 21, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 3
Classic Knize auction game. Less player control and more complex than Modern Art.

Grand Austria Hotel
Date: August 21, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 2
Dice based worker placement. Quite complex, will need more replays to appreciate better.

Battle of Britian
Date: July 22, 2018
Players: 2
Position: 1
Definitely a historical simulator, lot of randomness, very punishing on the Germans and not a lot of choice. Reflective of the historical context.

Twilight Imperium 4e
Date: July 8, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 1
Definite improvement on 3rd edition. Smoother and deeper.

Kingdom Builder
Date: June 3, 2018
Players: 4
Position: 2
Frustrating randomness at times but a lot of fun with interesting choices.

Date: November 24, 2017
Players: 8
Position: 6th
A delightful party game

The Resistence
Date: November 24, 2017
Players: 8
Position: Lost
Not really my type of game.

Eight Minute Empire Legends
Date: November 24, 2017
Players: 4
Position: 2nd
Enjoyable quick and deep game

Mage Knight
Date: October 28, 2017
Players: 4
Position: co-op won
Good but I found it somewhat overly complicated.

Empire Age of Discovery
Date: September 18, 2017
Players: 6
Position: 3rd
very good worker placement/area control game. Lots of interesting mechanics and paths to victory.

Leningrad 41
Date: August 27, 2017
Players: 2
Position: 2
very tense wargame, more interesting then the similar Moscow 41 in my opinion.

Watson and Holmes
Date: August 26, 2017
Players: 3
Position: no one won
An intereting take on a competitive Sherlock Holmes consulting detective. Tense and enjoyable, though unfortunately there is not always a winner.

A Handful of Stars
Date: August 8, 2017
Players: 4
Position: 2
Fun, but a lot of randomness in set up.

Booze Barons
Date: August 5, 2017
Players: 9
Position: 2nd on double tie breaker
Fun but not very deep game

Terra Mystica
Date: August 1, 2017
Players: 4
Position: 3
Good but intense game with lots of moving parts.