Take me to your leader

Alien squad leaders

The first phase of the alien menace

All my photos from now on will be taken with my Nexus 5x phone. The quality isn’t near as good as my DSLR but it will not require editing for size and shape. Hopefully this will encourage me to create more posts as at the moment prepping the images take too long.

In my last post about my xcom plan I showed my alien Greys, which at the time were a work in progress. I recently finished painting them, so here is a post about it.

The pack came with 22 miniatures. 4 leader figures with capes, 8 figures with rifles and 10 with pistols. The quality is good, especially for the price ($11). They are a little thin for 20mm which is my use but are good for 15mm.

I decided to group them into 4 squads, 2 with pistols and 2 with rifles. This allows for better focus for the squad with pistols acting as light infantry and rifles as heavies.

The complete ensemble. Close up pictures to follow

There is not a lot of room for colour on the miniatures as they unclothed. So it made the most sense to me to colour the weapons to help distinguish squads. I have always liked in the original Halo the aliens are all graded with bright primary colours. This is a good aesthetic I think when you can’t provide real detail! So I followed the same style here.

A fast response squad armed with pistols.

I choose a midnight blue colour for the skin with blue ink wash to highlight the muscles. Then primary colours for the capes and weapons, with grey for the lesser details. I like a simple clean paint job as I don’t have much time to paint to paint details. I applied a final black ink wash to highlight the weapon details.

The heavy hitters.

Originally I had wanted their eyes to be black to really make them look alien. Unfortunately it made them look too lifeless! A quick bit of gold paint and I think they looked much better. A final experiment with roadside bases finished everything of. Overall I’m quite happy with the results. Now to get them on the table!

Soon to be adversaries

I’m preparing a couple of posts about the Skyranger so stay tuned!

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